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Setting up a new business in a regional location can be challenging.

What factors are important when launching a regional start-up?

Setting up a business has unique challenges when you’re based in a regional location. Enlisting the services of experienced tax accountants in Geelong can help you address these issues and build a successful organisation outside a big city location. But what key factors should you consider? Read More »

Should I start a new business in Australia in 2018?

Australian business confidence is on the rise and late payments appear to be decreasing as we settle into the new year. But should you start a new business in 2018? We examine the latest SME trends to see what the year has in store for start-ups in the country. Read More »

3 Xmas films that teach key business development strategies

Did you watch all your favourite Christmas films over the festive season? You may not have realised, but there are plenty of lessons to be learned from Xmas movies when it comes to business development strategies. In some instances, they provide crucial tips on how not to run an Australian business! Read More »