As human beings, we generate an awful lot of waste. Whether it's throwing away old food or filling landfill with dangerous materials, it often feels like we don't do enough for the planet. Any eco-conscious person starting their own small business should have a recycling process in place, but what if this is not enough?
The Department of the Environment describes how in one year, New South Wales generated an average of 2.38 tonnes of waste per capita. While we've managed to recycle about 65 per cent in some way on average, that drops down to 60 per cent when considering the business world.
However, one solution could be a business garage sale. The City of Greater Geelong has released a statement praising the use of this method, which diverts unwanted objects to new homes rather than to the landfill. While it's common among homes to have these every so often, why should businesses be any different?
If you have any assets that are simply accruing dust, do yourself and the planet a favour by getting rid of them, either by selling them on (and keeping the relevant receipts for tax accounting, of course) or by repurposing them to achieve a different function. This way, you are directly recycling your equipment rather than filling a landfill with yet another broken printer or wobbly chair. Plus, you might find yourself with a bit more capital to reinvest in something a little more modern to replace what you had.
Save the planet and get some extra cash while doing it? A business garage sale could be for you!
Reducing your waste is an excellent step in taking more control of your business's cash flow. To find out how you can improve your SME in Geelong, get into contact with the professional accounting services experts at WMC Accounting today.