We believe businesses wondering how to conduct business and be compliant with COVID-19 health and safety regulations need guidelines.
For a quick update, we've listed Victorian COVID-19 business restrictions in effect as of 25 February 2022. You can visit your state or territory's public health department website for detailed guidance.
Vaccination status of customers
Business owners must take reasonable steps to control the spread of COVID-19 at their place of business or face fines or court action according to the On Premises Order (No.5).
For customers to be on the premises of a business in Victoria, businesses must take these steps:
- Display proper signage of the requirements to enter
- Demonstrate how to check for proof of vaccination for employees
- Provide training on how to work with a non-compliant customer
Customers who can't or won't prove they're vaccinated can be asked to leave.
Businesses are responsible for checking the vaccination status of customers upon entry, but they're not responsible for recording the status of each customer.
Vaccination status of workers
In Victoria, all workers aged 18 and up are required to show proof of vaccination or "valid proof of medical exemption."
It's important for employees of certain sectors — such as educational workers, health care workers and food distribution workers — to note that they may have to show proof of a third vaccination dose — booster or third primary dose.
The deadline to obtain a third dose was 12 February 2022 but the latest guidance from the health minister has made the following exceptions:
- Workers in educational settings with two doses as of 25 October 2021 have until 25 March 2022 to book a third dose.
- Vaccinated workers who weren't eligible for a third dose have three months and two weeks from their second dose to be up-to-date.
- International workers have four weeks from their arrival date to book a third vaccine dose.
- Anyone with a temporary medical exemption must book a third dose within two weeks following the expiry of their exemption.
Wearing masks whilst working
Masks are required of workers whilst indoors and in publicly accessible areas like:
- Hospitality setting
- Supermarkets
- Clothing stores
- Hair salons
- Personal care environments
- Indoor event spaces with 30,000 or more attendees
For particulars on face masks in your sector, visit the department's sector guidance online.
WMC Accounting has a wide array of business services that help small to medium-sized companies make prudent decisions for their business during challenging times. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.